Singing Guide: Lykke Li

Singing Guide: Lykke Li

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Lykke Li

If you want to learn how to sing like the unique Lykke Li, there are a few things to keep in mind. Lykke Li is known for her understated and emotional vocal style, as well as her use of quirky instrumentation, so it's essential to capture the vibe of her music when trying to emulate her sound.


Lykke Li's voice is often described as a delicate instrument, capable of expressing deep emotions without ever overstating them. To achieve this sound, it's essential to keep your vocal delivery subtle and understated, while still maintaining a strong connection to the emotional content of the lyrics.

Lykke Li often employs a breathy, whispery delivery to achieve the intimate quality of her vocal performance. Practicing proper breathing techniques is essential to achieving this sound. Singers should focus on using their diaphragm to control their breath and release it slowly and gently, almost like a sigh.

Finally, Lykke Li's music often features unusual instrumentation and sound effects, like handclaps and finger snaps. Experimenting with different vocal techniques, including beatboxing and humming, can add texture and depth to your vocal style, mirroring Lykke Li's use of unconventional sounds.

Songs to Try

  • I Never Learn - This track features Li's signature whispered vocals, set against an atmospheric instrumental backdrop.
  • Dance, Dance, Dance - This upbeat track showcases Li's ability to make even the most buoyant melodies sound melancholy and introspective.
  • Deep End - This song is a great example of how Li's breathy delivery can summon deep emotions out of even the simplest lyrics.

Resources to Use

Singing Carrots offers many resources to help you improve your singing. The vocal range test will allow you to determine how to use your voice, much like how Lykke Li maximizes her vocal delivery. The pitch accuracy test and vocal pitch monitor can improve overall pitch control, which is essential in producing a great vocal sound. The song search feature can help you discover new songs within your own vocal range, while the singing course can provide valuable information for refining vocal technique and theory.

Watching videos of Lykke Li's performances can also provide invaluable insight into her unique vocal style and allow you to get a feel for the emotional delivery of her music. Singers can use Singing Carrots' extensive video library of skill-related videos to improve their breathing, articulation, and posture, among other important aspects of vocal performance.

With practice, patience, and the right resources, you can learn how to sing like Lykke Li wonderfully and create a unique vocal style of your own.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.